Transferring to Keller Williams Legacy Group
If we told you transferring was easy, we would be lying. It's not. Not even a little bit.
We do however, do everything we can to ease the transition. We have staff a the ready to assist you!
We provide you checklists and workflows. We help you order your signs, business cards, printed materials, and set up your KW technology for you as soon as you've made the decision to transfer. We assist you with the procedure to transfer your license so that there is no break in your active license.
Many of us have heard "agents don't leave companies, they leave weak managers." We just don't believe that to be true. Many of us had deep affection and personal friendship with our former brokers. Sometimes your career needs a different track. Sometimes you need something that your company structure doesn't provide. Sometimes you just need more money in your pocket, the ability to work less and make just as much, or a retirement plan. It's okay to pick YOU. It's okay to pick YOUR family. It's okay to decide what company you are going to work for based on what YOU need, this is YOUR business.